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New Brand, Same Big Ideas: How Wisedocs is Getting Wiser in 2023 and Beyond

Have you noticed anything different about us over the last little while? In the last year, Wisedocs has been busy making upgrades to our brand.

Published on:
February 17, 2023

Have you noticed anything different about us over the last little while? In the last year, Wisedocs has been busy making upgrades to our brand. From Bear Health Technologies to the Wisedocs we know today, the company has grown from a bootstrapped idea into an organization with a standout product capable of industry-disrupting change.

Since adopting the Wisedocs name in 2021, we’ve:

Through this growth, we’ve further developed the smart process in our product, our company operations, hiring, our innovative machine learning models, and in our brand. Our mission remains the same. Our goal is to erase the headache of manual work to create a more positive experience for insurance companies, legal firms, healthcare providers, and their claimants.

With so much in the works, we decided it was time for an upgrade to our brand. Wisedocs’ mission has always been to reshape the claims space, and that remains the same: after seeing the insurance ecosystem, military medical backlogs, and the aftermath of the claims process firsthand, we know there are real consequences to paperwork-induced delay. Our big, hairy vision is an industry without the headache of manual work: one where efficiently processing medical documents is the standard, not the goal.

To get there, we needed a brand bold enough to reflect our drive for innovation without sacrificing the professionalism our users know and love. We needed consistency across platforms and a reliable message to reflect the company’s vision as a whole. In the end, we hope our new image marries technological innovation and dependability—just like us!

Growth and maturity through font and palette

Wisedocs is more than a standout product. In the process of pursuing our mission and making change, we’ve seen growth in our user base, our headcount, and our visibility in the industry as a whole. This meant taking a consistent and reliable approach to the new brand. Our logo was the first to experience change.

“We wanted to speak to making significant change in a space that had, for a long time, not changed how it approached medical records for claims,” explains marketing advisor Samantha Lloyd. “To accomplish all this we needed a clean, clear message on a bold but professional and trustworthy brand."

The new brand includes open source font Poppins, a relatively new typeface with a classic shape and a contemporary twist. According to designer Marquessa Mackenzie, choosing an open source font like Poppins was essential because it can be unified across all platforms. This keeps the brand consistent and our messaging clear as we grow—especially when combined with a pop of innovative, creativity-sparking orange, and a shade of cobalt affectionately dubbed ‘Wisedocs blue.’

Our strong, bold, and stable primary palette:

“It evokes trust and reliability,” explains Mackenzie. “Perfect for a company in our industry. We want Wisedocs to represent consistency for our clients, so they know that when they come to us, we’ll take their needs seriously and listen to what they have to say.”

Our light, bright, and punchy complementary palette: 

Highlighting innovation yet stability in Wisedocs’ brand

The new design elements are designed for effectiveness across many forms of media, as well as appealing to users across industries like medicine, insurance, and law. “Rebranding Wisedocs was about marrying different aspects of the company,” marketing advisor Lloyd says. “We wanted to showcase the brand in a way that resonated with our target audiences across medical, legal, and insurance firms, while also highlighting our capabilities in machine learning and our standout product within the tech industry.” 

According to Wisedocs’ VP of Revenue Jenna Earnshaw, this is exactly what the rebrand does. In addition to putting more attention on the ways Wisedocs is making waves within the industry, the focus on reliability and professionalism spotlights all the ways Wisedocs is built to last.

"Wisedocs is disrupting the way medical records are reviewed, processed, and summarized with our machine learning software,” Earnshaw says. “In rebranding, our goal was to highlight this disruption through a bold brand while also making a statement that we're here for the long run and we understand the importance of security, compliance, and legitimacy. Wisedocs' new brand is a way to show our growth from Bear Health Technologies to a funded startup through to a multinational software company that the insurance ecosystem relies on for secure, effective, and inexpensive medical record reviews."

Wisedocs: Intelligently moving forward

By putting a bold new spin on a traditional industry, Wisedocs proves professionalism and compliance can work together with technology for positive change. The design elements chosen for our rebrand support this endeavor and take us one step further towards that goal.

“Using Wisedocs blue for our icons was the best way to associate our brand with the consistency we want to represent,” says design lead Mackenzie. “Our power is in this ability to remain consistent, which is why we have taken the time to ensure that no matter how you are seeing Wisedocs, you are seeing coherent visual language.”

We have shown our capabilities in artificial intelligence with our clients and highlight that in our .ai domain name. We are now proud to host Wisedocs on a .com domain, as well, to show our commercial-wise use and multinational spread.

Our rebrand is just one piece of the big plans we have for the years to come. So whether it’s helping you streamline your documentation, sharing industry tips at a conference, or out celebrating milestones as a team—we’ll see you in Wisedocs blue!

Amy Mingopoulos
Marketing Coordinator

Amy Mingopoulos is the marketing coordinator at Wisedocs based in Toronto. She has worked in a wide variety of companies in the fields of healthcare, fitness, and technology. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, cooking, and visiting new restaurants in the city.

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