Reduce In-House Legal Hours with Software for Medical Records
Does your company have an in-house legal department? You could save time and money by utilizing software tools for medical record document workflow.

Does your company have an in-house legal department? You could save time and money by utilizing software tools for medical record document workflow. By supplementing your legal team with organizational software, you can reduce staff-hours with electronic data processing, while maintaining accuracy and efficiency.
What types of companies use in-house legal teams?
Deciding when a company should switch from external counsel to an in-house legal team is one of the most important, yet difficult, decisions a company can make. Some of the major points to take into consideration when deciding to hire an in-house legal team include:
- Number of Staff: If an operation has between 40-100 staff members, they should consider hiring an in-house legal team.
- Complex Litigation Needs: If a company finds itself consistently dealing with legal matters, such as government relations, customer discrepancies, or patent issues, it may be wise for them to have its own in-house legal team.
- Cost-Saving Initiatives: Many executives are wary of the idea of hiring an in-house counsel because it seems like an expensive investment. However, if an organization notices that they spend a large sum annually on external legal assistance, investing in an internal team may be wise.
- Internal Operation Improvement: An in-house legal team can assist with strategy and risk management. Often, the voice of a well-seasoned in-house counsel can bring insight to a company that otherwise is ignored by external lawyers when they have several clients to attend to. An in-house legal team can design detailed legal plans tailored to the organization.
Ultimately, the five industries that hire an in-house legal team are finance, tech, entertainment, oil, and real estate. These companies work within the realm of banking, contracts, patents, copyrights, licensing, and federal codes that require skilled legal counsel.
What does an in-house legal team do?
An in-house legal team’s primary concern is the company they work for and advancing the business’ needs. They do a little bit of everything, from working on mergers, acquisitions, and contracts, to assisting with employee relations and more. The in-house legal team is first and foremost the legal backbone of the organization. An in-house legal team could be one sole lawyer or a full department of litigation professionals. They often assist executives with important legal decisions and oversee all business risk management.
Most often, lawyers within an in-house legal team are generalists so that they can support all aspects of the business. Having an in-house counsel provides efficiency since they have just one client’s and organization’s needs to focus on. In-house lawyers participate in meetings and learn the business to deliver strategic goals and objectives. Ultimately, they do not complete much litigation work. If their company prepares for a trial, they will outsource to external counsel as they cannot simply drop all other internal matters to focus on the immense workload and duties of a trial. Due to their vast responsibilities for the organization, an overall understanding of intellectual property law, tax law, employment law, contract law, and securities law is paramount for an in-house counsel.
How can Wisedocs assist your in-house legal team?
An in-house legal team can use a wide variety of software tools to expedite their litigation processes and provide more time for strategic input. Using tools for online billing, case reviews, and document sorting can reduce legal hours and save companies an extensive amount of money. Wisedocs supports in-house legal teams by providing medical record automation to make document origination and processing feasible at scale. In-house counsel will save hours sorting and processing medical records, as well as organize, understand, and access important insights on medical records. Wisedocs can review workers’ compensation, personal injury, social security, disability, tort law, and medical malpractice cases. With Wisedocs’ intelligent OCR, legal teams are able to expedite turnaround time, manual indexing, and de-duplication, while leveraging an easily searchable medical record review to focus on tasks of the utmost importance.
Book a demo today and discover how Wisedocs can scale your business without negatively impacting headcount, bottom-line growth, or time-to-fulfillment.